Hi, Im DoğukanFront-end Web Developer

I love coding and learning new technologies. On this page you will see my progress since 2015.


Doğukan Çaltekin

Hi, I am Doğukan. I was born in Bursa, Turkey in November 1999. I started coding in 2015 at highschool. I graduated from the department of Database Technologies at High School. I have also learned web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and C# at High School. After that, I decided to improve myself in the field of front-end web development. I am working solo currently. I generally use React and Tailwind in my projects. The technologies I use vary according to the scope of the project.

My Skills


My Earlier Experiences


E-Commerce App

Technologies I use: ReactJS - Redux Toolkit - React Redux - Redux Persist - FakeStoreAPI - React Router - React Hot Toast - React Icons - React Slick - Responsive Design - TailwindCSS

Getir Clone

Technologies I use: ReactJS - React Router - React Collapse - React Flag-Select - React Icons - React Slick - Responsive Design - TailwindCSS

Chat App

Technologies I use: ReactJS - NodeJS - ExpressJS - Socket.io - Socket.io-client - Nodemon - React-Icons

Movie App

Technologies I use: NextJS - Responsive Design - Tailwind CSS - TheMovieDB

Breaking Bad

Technologies I use: ReactJS - Redux Toolkit - React-Redux - React-Router - Axios - Responsive Design - Tailwind CSS - Breaking Bad API

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